Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reproductive Heath & DiG is Famous!!

This here is a fantastic eductional short
from the talented Amanda Marcotte!
Watch these to keep informed of Female Reproductive Rights!

From the Reality Check site:

Reality Check videos, hosted by Amanda Marcotte, counter the misinformation pushed by the far right. With facts and humor, Reality Check videos bring to life the reproductive and sexual health issues Americans deal with daily.

And as a special guest, Our own DiG plays the very conservative & highly misinformed "Faye Winters!" (who I can tell, is trying to hide a smirk when reciting "That is what GOD intended." )

Here's some more Reality Check links:

Does Life Begin at Fertilization?
Contraception in Schools
Emergency Contraception

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that DIG was so misinformed! and also that she looked so amazing in red cotton and pearls!
