Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Meowmorphosis: Holy Moley this is a real book!

“One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that he had been changed into an adorable kitten.”
I just spewed my coffee.

Plus it's on sale at Amazon. $8.75 a steal!!! via
Now adding to my book list, which also contains these gems:

Ya know, the classics!


  1. Oh a side note... I've noticed I've been doing a lot of "Spewing" while reading. Gonna hafta look into that...

  2. I love Jane Austen (the original catty bitch) so when I saw P & P & Zombies I was like, NO. And then I read it. HILARIOUS. I haven't found the spate of copycats to be that entertaining, but that one is awesome.

  3. That is good to know!!!

    Usually I rate a book by it's cover...(and these are seriously entertaining)...

    So P&P Zombies it is!!
    Thanks for the hot tip!
