Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ghostbuster Dioramas or How I Spent My Work Day

"Stay Puft Need Go Potty! Constipated Marshmallow Man Baaaaad"

"King of the World! Or Queen, or Gozette?"

For those of you that ask: "GEE! What does one DOOO at your job?" Well, I can now honestly say "I PLAY WITH TOYS! SQUEEE!!!!"

These two beauts are 2 Dioramas I created for Diamond Selects' Ghostbusters Minimate line (lots of sculpy hours)! Notice the Evil glint, the hidden easter eggs, and the phayllic columns! Yep. Nothing left to chance.

And the screencaps I tried to recreate:

You'll be seeing these on the Art Asylum Website as well as in the Ghostbuster Minimate Packaging!

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