Monday, October 20, 2008


Tragedy has struck our happy home...
Our little demon spawn, Smudge, has run away from home!
Somehow, when we came home on Sat. Night, our backdoor was wide open...and she was gone!

We think she joined the kitty circus, but we really miss her... considering she is an INDOOR cat with DECLAWED front paws. AND it's starting to get cold, AND she's not so good with new things...AND she's the sweetest thing ever! (see above pics).

Maybe you've seen her?

She's all grey, declawed, less than 10 lbs, green eyes ('cept for the demon pic below) and voraciously eats bananas.

I miss Kitty!

1 comment:

  1. if she shows up ion Rick James's gang (that the name of my cat for readers who don't know and don't understand my statement) I will call, I really hope you find her, I want to cry now....
