Lala, the Parasitic Twin KittyTwo-Headed KittyWith their own trading cards!
AHAHAHH!!! *snort snort..
In honor of or 900th Post... I give thee
Sideshow Kitties!!!
These are truly hilarious...
Laquita (their circus manager) gave them
names like Disco Kitty and FroggyKitty...
and even added a sad story to a trading card!
If anything, just read the Description on each kitty..
it's priceless!
(I'm thinking Mojo, my lumpy cat, needs a trading card: "Fat kitty: She has an elastic stomach! Watch out, she'll eat you if you aren't careful!")
awww, they are freakishly adorable, I sense a baby shower gift that will no doubt shock and offend many of my relatives.