Monday, November 5, 2007

CowPoke Apron!

Stick'em UP! Just don't stick to the pan!!

It's FINISHED! Yee haw! it's an apron for the Craftzine Apron Contest!

I basically used Butterwick Pattern #4087 for the base shape... then ran WILD!

Yee hahhhh!!! NO Apron is complete without a holster for your dirty spoons and a felt sherrifs badge! & added some cowboy umpf with some leftover Halloween fake leather feather tassels!

There's only room for one Chef in this kitchen!
Wish me luck, there's alot of good competition!!

1 comment:

  1. Yee Haw, kiss my grits and butter my biscuits or some other stereotypical western reference.

    /When can i buy one?
